
new supplies!


project sketches


new project!!



a whole bunch of nothing GONE

i accidentally deleted this sorry my yapping might be lost forever

てふてふ series - start

hi im gonna do constant project updates just like the good ol days. except this time most of my pictures will be terrible. because i'm lazy. might upload better pictures later though :P

my reason for using this song is a littleeee more personal than le ciel and the way inspiration hit me was a big loser moment. i read the lyrics for the first time last night and started crying. i blame my star projector. and identity issues i guess, but i'm sure the nebula on my ceiling did most of the damage.

since you can't read or make out Anything in that photo, i'll describe the key details here. in the top left is a doodle of a butterfly flying over the sea at night. it's a visual (based on the notes from this translation) for me to keep in mind as i design.

i jotted down a few flowers and foliage that i want to incorporate. from left to right: corkscrew willow branches, amaranth (unfading affection), white tulip (forgiveness, new beginnings), black (change) and white (purity, patience) bearded iris, white lily (purity, rebirth), hellebore (stress, anxiety), moonflower (impermanence - MY FAVORITE WORD!), anemone (forsaken), black rose (DEATH or eternal love), red spider lily (final goodbye), fir (time), and poppies (eternal sleep, imagination)!!

the last key sketches are roots and a nail. i don't feel like explaining but they're mentioned in the lyrics i swear.. i'm onto something trust me...
the rest are scribbles of silhouettes except they're really bad so they all look the same okay NEXT PAGE !

on the right page, i organized the elements listed above by verse. nothing detailed just a braindump. here's a list if you're interested:

  1. translucent butterfly, poppy, amaranth, moonflower, anemone
  2. fir, white bearded iris
  3. screw made of a sheet, butterfly in center, white tulip (pendulum), branches
  4. seed, spider lily or rose, clear roots, hellebore
  5. black bearded iris, moonflower, butterfly, nail
  6. white poppy, butterfly, screw, white tulip, falling petal, water, white lily, purple hyacinth or red spider lily for color, branches, hellebore (basically funeral flower overload)

like i said in my last entry (oops nvm i deleted it), i want to start working with wire again, so there won't be much clay in this project... maybe. OHHH I ALMOST FORGOT. lately i've been browsing ikebana blogs and the phaidon flower books (color theory + color guide. i will treasure these always) so this series of jewelry will incorporate more floral design concepts than my previous pieces. it's been a while since i've arranged flowers, but i will try my best!!!

from the trenches,

project update #2

going to start off with something absolutely unrelated. is there a way to make a nickname out of ephemeralstar that isn't ugly... if you come up with one please lmk. i'm trying to use names other than rcy T_T

onto the project updates!!! yippeeee
in the attachments, you can find the eight sketches i was talking about in my feed. they're not exactly what i envisioned, but they're a great starting point so i went ahead and made a test piece already. thank god i did. i almost got stuck at the sketching stage. sadly i didn't come up with any new designs, but now i have a general idea of how each structure will work!! i'll draw up some diagrams in the next few weeks.

i didn't number my sketches, but hopefully you can tell which one i referenced. since i made its test piece already, i'll work on finalizing that design first. i'm pretty fond of it because it contains key elements that are present in most of the other designs + it has the simplest structure. it's a good base for me to experiment with!

i wanna make some slight (this might be an understatement) changes on my second try. i'll make the clear roots much thinner and slightly shorter. might make the screw a bit longer depending on how big i want the earring. i'll attach the tulip as a charm so it can swing freely, as opposed to binding it directly to the top wire. lastly, i neeeeeed to figure out how to properly make a butterfly... it's been 2-3 years since i last made one. my hands don't remember how to shape the wire at all X(

i know i say this about every project and never finish them, but i love this theme!!! super excited to start crafting!!!! i've always wanted to make.. not gory... but designs that make you slightly uncomfortable i guess. to put it in a silly way, i want the flowers to look like they can trap you and eat you alive idk. i used to experience suicidal thoughts daily, but i never got the help i needed even after i reached out, (i'm doing much better now! broke the cycle after 3-4 years and i'm hoping it won't return too soon) so i've always wanted to express that feeling through flowers and whatever GO ART yeah woohooo. the current designs don't reflect that very well but i'm getting there i swear i'm cooking. maybe. i think.

too lazy to add a fancy font,
rcy. or FM now i guess

mini jewelry supply haul

went to a gem and jewelry show yesterday!!! it was super cool, 10/10 will definitely go next year too. first two files picture the tool set i got. the handles are purple and glittery!!! was super excited about the reamer. (can u tell i've never used a reamer...)

the third file pictures spools of colored wire. i chose black and hot pink, and my sister picked out the navy(?) blue. it's pretty hard to find colored wire in different gauges at local stores, but the vendor had a ton of pretty colors and sizes :O
i'm a little sad i didn't buy more, but i saved their business card! i'll save up some money to shop online. gonna work with the ones i have asap!!!

last file pictures the findings i got from a shop that specializes in silver jewelry supplies. the gem studs are so cute! the bag i got came with two sets and i plan to add roses to one of them. my sister picked out the square frames. she told me i should put something inside, but i'm not sure what to make yet. if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know!

that's all i got from the show! sadly i didn't get any beads because i was about to pass out T_T (apparently 2 bites of breakfast + no water + big crowd = blurry vision and fatigue... my bad) there were a bajillion beads too :(
there was a bunch of pretty ready-made jewelry as well. i was eyeing this table full of customized watches. aaa i should've taken a business card. anyway, i think that's all i had to say. hopefully i won't nearly pass out next year!!

see u next time,