pang magazine
✰ this is where you can find everything about my projects!!! :P

i made necklaces for the first time!!! i was inspired by frutiger aero. it was a great excuse to use some goofy fish stickers i bought a few weeks ago. the one with the flower is available in my shop!

[idea] i want to make clips! hair clips with long charms!! hair clips with a giant flower!!! the first clip i'll make will probably have a fire flag charm. i don't have a picture but if you want to, you should look it up!! they're like zig zags with a cute little purple bow at the end!!! super excited to start on that... whenever that is....
* some notes:
- need to figure out how to make the stems (material, structure, etc.) i want to link segments so it sits comfortably on the head.
- make plan for shaping + assembling the petals
- pick out beads for decoration!

[update: 04 march 2024] here are some hairclip sketches! i'm not the biggest fan of these designs but it's a start :>

lc plans pictured above. i'm currently figuring out the structures!
[update: 29 feb 2024] currently working on sketch #4!

[update: 04 march 2024] finished!!! gah i'm never getting these pages done...

mango earrings!!! or phone charm
one has bagoong and the other has sticky rice + coconut milk. both are available in my shop! i just need to make the zine page :]

all four vday earrings are also in my shop! the sundaes have a phone charm option too :>

page lc 02 is in the works (barely T_T)