let's take a walk down silly street!!!

clothes!! (and maybe accessories) :0

super cute tshirt from ruruki6!! :]

wearing my princess rapunzel dress in the photo above. my mom gifted it to me for my birthday :] it's my first and possibly my last lolita dress so i treasure it with all my heart!!! sorry about the terrible angle btw i don't have a nice photo of my whole coord.

on the right is an official photo!

my dog modelling hair clips i made

super epic mega cool beanie baby tie from brainb4rf!!!

nails are from 79thstreetnails, morgana macawber keychain is from anjartistry :D

teehee puppet sunsun pouch

necklace is actually a ring from fervooor! it was too big for me so i attached it to a chain. super cool piece of jewelry though!!

weenie hut jr and goofy goober!!!!!!
(or milk tea and zip)

the little things

[ the board of sillies ]

his ass loves bridges. may or may not be alive. questionable medical credentials.

got accepted into the drama club. probably committed a long list of crimes. he's just a silly goofy sentient android i swear. also he died like three times.

get a load of this guy

WOAH giant expo marker rat

information dump because i don't know how to format it yet

☆ media that lives rent free in my mind:

☆ shows i'm currently watching:


☆ songs of the month: (may)